
We’re working hard to keep up with streaming service changes, but occasionally things don’t always work right. There’s hope though.

Testing development builds

Along with our production repository, we also have a development repository where we stage and test major updates to our add-ons.

If you would like to try out development versions of our add-ons, we encourage you to install the development repository.

You can grab the the development repository ZIP file or follow the instuctions on the installation but choose the file instead.

Filing bug reports

We track bugs, issues and feature requests through each add-on’s own GitHub issue tracker. You can find a link for the issue tracker in each add-ons page.

GitHub pull requests are greatly appreciated for fixes or enhancements. Please get in touch if you’re interested in contributing.

Obtaining your log file

Log files are crucial for diagnosing add-on issues, so we appreciate if you could provide one in your bug report.

A nice, easy guide for uploading your Kodi log file is a great place to start.