
You can use the easy method to install the Aussie Add-ons repository directly through Kodi, or use the manual method if it’s covenient to copy the ZIP file to your device.

Easy installation

Just follow the video below on how to add the repository quickly through Kodi.

Manual installation

First step is the grab the repo ZIP file.

Download the ZIP file to your Kodi device and install through the menu via:

System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file

The Kodi wiki has a good walk-through guide to installing ZIP files if you get stuck.

Installing add-ons

Once the repository ZIP file is installed, you can install the individual add-ons through the Kodi Add-on manager:

System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Aussie Add-ons -> Select the add-on category -> Select the add-on -> Install

The Kodi wiki also has a nice guide on installing add-ons via the Add-on manager.

Failed to install a dependency error

The failed to install a dependency error is caused by Kodi being unable to install a dependency required by our add-ons.

The issue is usually due to other third party repositories set up in Kodi which are conflicting with Aussie Add-on's add-ons.

Try disabling or removing any repos such as TVAddons, SuperRepo, Ares and any others you don't specifically require.